
決勝大会 結果

Champion ひーらぎhiragichan 北陸A / Japan
2 しゃんくshanku 九州A / Japan
3 せなくsenaku 近畿A / Japan
4 おとみんotomin 信越・北関東B / Japan


The songs
  • NAMCO Original『Challengers』Extreme

Third-Place Playoffs

The songs
  • NAMCO Original『Arc』Extreme


The first match the songs
  • NAMCO Original『Player's High』Extreme
The second match the songs
  • NAMCO Original『Gloria』Extreme
The first match (2nd rounds 1st place and 4th place)
The second match (2nd rounds 2nd place and 3rd place)

2nd Round Scores

The first songs
  • NAMCO Original『Coquette』Extreme
The second songs
  • NAMCO Original『Dance "Enma"』Extreme
  おとみんotomin せなくsenaku しゃんくshanku ゆうとYuto
1st tune 1,001,730 1,000,940 1,004,080 999,080
2nd tune 1,019,970 1,021,760 1,020,980 1,008,520
Total Scores 2,021,700 2,022,700 2,025,060 2,007,600
  ひーらぎhiragichan あくちゃんAKUCHAN ふよぴFUYOPI ぺりかんperikan
1st tune 1,003,680 1,004,570 995,940 999,770
2nd tune 1,021,250 1,015,050 1,021,880 1,013,540
Total Scores 2,024,930 2,019,620 2,017,820 2,013,310

1st Round Scores

A Block
  あっつ〜attu えかさekasa 세상SESANG あくちゃんAKUCHAN
1st tune 1,012,850 1,015,170 1,016,200 1,016,500
2nd tune 982,420 1,013,460 978,200 1,018,420
3rd tune 984,090 973,900 1,000,590 998,320
4th tune 954,200 995,110 967,440 1,001,360
Total Scores 3,933,560 3,997,640 3,962,430 4,034,600
B Block
  ぺりかんperikan みかんmikan でーぶどんdebudon うっち〜ucchii
1st tune 1,010,830 1,004,140 984,290 1,002,190
2nd tune 1,001,210 990,680 996,480 976,550
3rd tune 1,006,260 1,010,610 1,024,850 1,009,220
4th tune 1,003,940 1,003,940 999,490 1,003,940
Total Scores 4,022,240 4,009,370 4,005,110 3,991,900
C Block
  ふよぴFUYOPI もくてゃんmokutyan かぜみやびkazemiyabi 流氓團傑哥Lia Mang Tuan Jie Ge
1st tune 1,014,460 1,020,340 1,023,520 975,740
2nd tune 1,002,810 1,011,500 966,790 898,970
3rd tune 1,003,150 996,830 999,650 995,920
4th tune 1,048,180 1,032,320 1,041,440 1,044,820
Total Scores 4,068,600 4,060,990 4,031,400 3,915,450
D Block
  りはすけRihasuke しゃんくshanku いりゅiryu きゅうやKyuya
1st tune 1,013,720 1,009,920 1,008,500 993,280
2nd tune 997,410 1,003,090 998,070 1,000,810
3rd tune 999,100 1,001,200 996,000 998,700
4th tune 1,011,090 1,011,130 1,003,210 1,011,290
Total Scores 4,021,320 4,025,340 4,005,780 4,004,080
E Block
  みなぎMINAGI はる〜〜んHaruuun ゆうとYuto じょ〜くんJOOKUN
1st tune 1,002,900 1,003,100 1,002,900 991,940
2nd tune 1,002,590 1,002,900 1,001,460 1,000,240
3rd tune 1,004,650 1,005,210 1,006,330 991,840
4th tune 1,009,100 1,011,300 1,012,500 1,004,100
Total Scores 4,019,240 4,022,510 4,023,190 3,988,120
F Block
  めがるMEGARU とむTOM みゆうどんmiyuudon ひーらぎhiragichan
1st tune 1,005,520 999,590 986,860 1,004,220
2nd tune 1,008,500 1,012,200 991,440 1,012,520
3rd tune 1,016,460 1,002,480 1,014,000 1,014,740
4th tune 1,012,380 976,020 940,880 1,014,380
Total Scores 4,042,860 3,990,290 3,933,180 4,045,860
G Block
  燎原Liao Yuan あかねちゃakanecha おとみんotomin 小咔Ca
1st tune 1,004,090 1,006,420 1,004,090 1,004,610
2nd tune 1,003,800 1,013,400 1,012,700 996,600
3rd tune 999,840 1,000,350 1,008,480 1,007,970
4th tune 988,010 998,740 1,003,310 1,004,610
Total Scores 3,995,740 4,018,910 4,028,580 4,013,790
H Block
  さわざきSawazaki みぃとmito なつかぜnatsukaze せなくsenaku
1st tune 1,008,780 1,008,260 1,000,490 1,006,240
2nd tune 992,730 1,001,200 999,930 1,002,270
3rd tune 1,045,480 1,040,840 1,038,960 1,052,380
4th tune 1,011,960 1,022,570 1,004,530 1,025,280
Total Scores 4,058,950 4,072,870 4,043,910 4,086,170