How to Participate in Ticket Campaigns
Tickets are items for exchange you can earn during events by using a Bandai Namco Passport to play the game and meeting event conditions.
Tickets can be exchanged for rewards in Donder Hiroba. Tickets will expire after the event ends and cannot be used for rewards later on.
*Reward examples: Titles, Costumes, Mini Characters etc.
Click the collaboration banner at the top of the page while logged in to Donder Hiroba.
(*You may not be able to access the collaboration page if you are outside the eligible area.)
Check here for eligible areas for the collaboration event.
Event dates and ticket earning conditions are listed here. While Donder Hiroba only provides explanations in Japanese, detailed pages in your local language are available for eligible collaboration areas.
"所持チケット" (Owned Tickets)
On the "所持チケット" (Owned Tickets) page, you can check the number of tickets you have. Tickets will not be awarded if conditions are met outside of the eligible areas.
Number of winners for the lottery.
Required number of tickets.
"応募" (Application)
Move to the application page.
*If you win, you will receive a specified reward.
Required number of tickets for exchange.
"交換" (Exchange)
Move to the exchange page.
*You can receive the reward for the ticket item when you exchange.
If there are multiple rewards to choose from, you will go to a selection screen.
Pressing the exchange or apply button will take you to the final confirmation screen.
Confirmation screen for exchanges/applications
The confirmation screen for exchanges/applications will be shown.
If you do not have enough tickets, the buttons for applying or exchanging will be grayed out.
Clicking the apply/exchange button completes the process.
※Please note that regardless of whether you use the Family Group feature or not, depending on your age group, you may not be able to use our services in some regions outside of Japan.